They may use science for the creation of weapons to destroy thousands of lives in wars. They might also use their knowledge to produce drugs to make a lot of money for themselves. 他们用科学知识制造武器在战争中摧毁成千上百的生命;他们用其知识制造毒品赚取钱财。
Can there be creation, in the most profound sense of that word, so long as there is egotism, so long as there is the demand for success, money and recognition-supplying the market? 只要有自我主义存在,只要有对成功的需求,以这个词最深邃的意义而言,“创造”能够提供给市场么?
This delegates a core public function the creation of money to a private and often irresponsible commercial oligopoly. 当前的货币体系把一项核心公共职能即创造货币授予私营且往往不负责任的商业寡头。
Mr Trichet insisted, however, that the ECB was "not embarking" on quantitative easing the creation of money to buy assets with its covered bond purchases. 然而,特里谢坚持表示,欧洲央行购买资产担保债券,并不意味着“启动”定量宽松政策,即创造资金以购买资产。
SDRs are complex but they boil down to the international creation of money. 特别提款权很复杂,但归结起来就是国际性的货币创造。
The essence of the contemporary monetary system is creation of money, out of nothing, by private banks 'often foolish lending. 当代货币系统的神髓是通过私人银行往往有些愚蠢的借贷,凭空创造出金钱。
Japan's government has approved the creation of a fund backed by public money that will pay the claims and be reimbursed by Tepco over a decade. 日本政府已经批准建立一个由公款支持的基金,用来支付这些赔偿要求,并且将会由东电用超过十年的时间来偿还。
Bankers who can balance their books may conclude that they know all there is to know about the creation of money. 能使收支平衡的银行家可以得出结论,认为他们已经掌握了一切有关创造货币的知识。
Officials said that the construction of low-cost housing would be increased, and media this week have discussed the creation of a substantial fund of public money to finance such developments. 政府官员表示,要加大低成本住房的建设力度,而媒体本周也就创建一个庞大的公共基金,为此类开发提供融资展开了讨论。
In order to illustrate it, we will use an example of creation of accounts for a money management application. 为了说明它,我们将使用货币管理中的应用的一个例子创建的帐户。
In my view there are three kinds of people, businessmen: the creation of money; 在我看来有三种人,生意人:创造钱;
But when the machine is working near or at full capacity, the rapid creation of more money will not increase production fast enough. 借钱可以扩大这台“生产总收入”的产出,但是,当它的生产能力接近或开足马力,过多地发行货币将不会大幅度地增加生产。
Model of Payment of Balance Crisis ( Krugman) reckons that the consistent creation of money by government will definitely cause the rising of domestic price level. This will then bring the stress of devaluation to domestic currency. 克鲁格曼(Krugman)的国际收支危机模型认为由于政府持续地通过货币创造融资造成货币供给的增加,必然造成国内物价水平的上涨,随之又将带来货币贬值的压力。
Then the author builds a model of money divisor and analyzes the process of the endogenous creation of money supply. 随后,建立货币除数模型,分析了货币内生创造过程。
This paper concentrates on the deduction of the taxation mechanism of seigniorage through a perspective of money creation. Government revenue collected from seigniorage equal to the product of the money base stock and the nominal rate in an economy without growth and monetization. 本文的重点是从货币创造的角度推导出铸币税的征收机制,在不存在经济增长和货币深化的经济中,铸币税收入等于基础货币存量乘以名义利率。
Explains that, the currency is the important factor of causing influence to whole economical operation. The essence, the advantage and deficiency of money creation are analyzed, Considers that, the deficiency of money creation is the reason to cause the great economic depression. 通过对创造货币的本质、创造货币的优势和不足、创造货币的不足是造成经济大萧条的原因等的分析,说明货币是给整个经济运行造成影响的重要因素。
The deposit money creation ability in commercial banking system is an important indicator of macro-regulation adopted by central bank, that is, if money creation ability remains steady, the central bank can adjust the base money to regulate the money supply on the market. 商业银行系统的货币创造能力,是中央银行宏观调控的一个重要指标,即在银行系统保持货币创造能力稳定的条件下,央行可以通过控制基础货币的投放来调节市场上的货币供给量。